
Alavieska comprehensive school

There are 374 pupils and 28 teachers in our school. Pupils ages are between 6 to 15 years.

We have school on 5 days on week. School starts at 8.am and ends usually at 2.pm. We have 45-minute lessons and 15-minute breaks. We have free school-lunch, which we eat at 11 am. Then we have a longer break , when we can play volleyball, hang with friends and so on  Usually we have to go out on breaks, but if it rains or in winter when it is so cold we can stay inside.

We don’t have schooluniform, so everyone cans wear clothes and accesorizes they like.

Pupils, who lives near comes school by bike, moped or on foot but pupils who lives far from school come by bus and school offers that.

There are some clubs in our school, like floorball-club, volleyball-club, peer counselling group and Comenius-club :D

We have compulsory subject like maths, finnish, biology and so on, but we have to also choose some electives. You can choose art, technical work, textile work, music and home economics, german, PE, agriculture and forestry.

We have a nice gymnasium and good materials to different games.  Usually we have two hours when we have p.e.. Sometimes we go to swimming and bowling and that kind of stuff. We have our own soccer field where we play also baseball. Our p.e. teachers are very nice. The gym also is our assembly hall, we celebrate Independence day, Christmas, Valentine’s day and closing ceremony of course!

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