
2nd meeting

Teachers and students which are working on the Multilateral Comenius Project “New Clans: Group and Individuality”, met again, from the 1st till the 5th of February, for the second time, in Tomelloso, Spain, in order to share the activities and experiences that have been going on at their schools.

Tomelloso, is located in the heart of the land of Quixote, and it’s a modern, active city, fully integrated into today´s changing world and able to face the challenges posed by present-day society. It is also conscious of its past and its culture, it maintains all of the values and traditions it has accumulated through time, and sees itself, naturally, as a city of La Mancha, its feet rooted firmly in the ground that witnesses the wanderings of the Quixote, that nobleman born of the illustrious pen of Cervantes in the city of Argamasilla de Alba.

Our Spanish partners prepared for us a fabulous week that we’ll never forget.

We were received at school with fantastic students’ performances that were really admirable. Foreign students went to classes with their Spanish friends while teachers met in order to share the work done till the moment. Students got along so well that when they had to say goodbye there were many tears, kisses and hugs!

We still remember the beautiful “LAGUNAS DE RUIDERA” that are a natural park, containing 15 lagoons which are located above the La Mancha plain; the “PEÑARROYA CASTLE AND RESERVOIR”; PINILLA and the HERMITAGE of the “VIRGEN DE LAS VIÑAS” and of course TOLEDO, which was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986 for its extensive cultural and monumental heritage as one of the former capitals of the Spanish Empire and place of coexistence of Christian, Jewish and Moorish cultures. Everyone was delighted with the beautiful and rich monuments and ... architecture.

We can’t forget our reception at the Regional Ministry of Education and at the Town Hall, and also the gifts we’ve received.

We must say that Spanish people love eating and drinking, don’t they? Their gastronomy is delicious!

Above all, we really must say thank you to Mª Angelles, Victoria and Antonio.

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